Frequently Asked Questions
I don't own a gun yet, where should I start?
A gun can be provided for you at no extra cost for private lessons, group classes and the Ladies Only Basic Pistol Class.
You may also want to take advantage of the Gun Store Guidance service.
Where do you teach?
Anywhere there is a range. Classes take place around the Austin, TX area but I can travel anywhere in Texas to teach. Currently I do the majority of my training at the Lone Star Gun Range in Lockhart, TX
If you would like me to come to you, please get in contact, I am happy to travel.
If you own a small private range on your private property that is a great option also.
Do you teach License to Carry Classes?
Yes. Please get in contact to find out when the next LTC class with be or to plan a private LTC class for your company or friend group.
What should I wear to a lesson or class?
Always a great question! Closed toed shoes, a shirt that is NOT low cut, (flying casings tend to fall down there.) pants or shorts whit a belt - a belt is optional but not absolutely necessary. A hat and sunglasses are recommended. Please dress as comfortably as possible for the weather as we will most likely be using an outdoor shooting range.
Do you teach men too?
Only License to Carry classes are open to both men and women.
Otherwise, no.
How do I book a One on One lesson?
The fastest way to book a One on One lesson will be to pre-pay for the lesson, then use the "contact" form at the bottom of the home page to schedule the lesson.
* If a lesson cannot be scheduled for any reason, you will receive a full refund, no questions asked.